And I still do.

When I was a little girl, like any other little being, I had many dreams. When you asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I would say things like stewardess, fighter-pilot, race-car driver, clown and librarian. I know… you don’t have to say it. However one dream that has stuck with me; I wanted to help people live better lives. The little girl version was that I wanted to make people happy, hence the clown.

Now you might wonder why a little girl would have such a dream. It was because my mom suffered so much from bi-polar disorder and I wanted to take her pain away.

Fast forward, I still want to help people live better lives and I have been doing that for the past 15 years as a health coach and nourishment counselor. You may even have been working with me and I sincerely hope I have helped you find your personal path forward. And maybe this is your next step… keep reading.

I then got one more dream.

I did not know I had this dream until I was at an event that spoke to something inside of me that all of a sudden clicked. I was at Herioc Public Speaking LIVE and watched, learned, listened and laughed (classes include improv with Mike Ganino, comedy with Ron Tite and story-telling with Michael).

I wrote so many notes, breathed (one of the classes is with D’Arcy about how to use your voice) and moved (one of the classes is how to have a better posture with Fay, that allows for your breath and voice to be fuller). And for 3 days jammed packed with teachers and speaker along-side Amy and Michael Port, connecting dots and adding new ones, giving me tools, ideas and courage to do something that at the end of 3 days had me saying; “That’s it, this is how I can help people live better lives. I can speak.” And you can too!

Is it scary?

It is always scary to be vulnerable, because you are trying something new, but for the past 2 years I have been on stages both nationally and internationally and it is not scary. It is exciting, but not scary. Even when there are as many as 2,500 people in the audience or 590,000 watching live-stream. It is actually far more scary to stand in front of 5 people or 10 or 30 people to present a project, an idea, a presentation or a workshop. But it is not as scary when you have the tools to know how to do it, how to write good content, how to convert your message and how to connect with the people you are speaking to – and that is just some of what I learned at Heroic Public Speaking. Not to mention the community that has your back – it really does.

Now you have the chance.

The next HPS Live event is on October 1-3 2018 in Philly and I hope you will consider doing this for you. Even if you don’t want to be on the big stages or even if you don’t have a job right now that require you to present to a group of people. Even if you don’t have to figure out ways to speak about yourself or what you do, at job-interviews or at networking events, you might still find this is something that could help you. And if you are already speaking, this can help you take that next leap. I promise you will not go home unchanged.

So this is the deal.

So go to HPSLive and use the code: jbronee on check out.

Now if you are 5 people who want to go – you get additional 5% off and 10% get additional 10% off. That would be if you have friends or colleagues that cannot wait to do this too and want to join you in the experience and the growth process.

Are you in? If you are not certain or have questions feel free to email me and I can help you find out if this is something for you.

I hope you will join us at HPS Live this year – and by the way – I don’t make money off your ticket purchase, I share this because I feel more people can live better lives and you might be someone who thinks so too.

And in case you have not seen it yet – this is my recent talk in Brazil at the Plenae Conference.

Photo by Plenae