Why Nourishment Matters for Creativity.

It’s often assumed that people are born with creativity while others are not. Or we have it, but only sometimes, as though we are catching a rare butterfly. But we’re all born with creativity. The question isn’t how to catch it—it’s how to feed it.

Stay tuned for my TEDxPSUBehrend where I explore how we can not only access our creativity, but also how we can nourish it. It will be online soon.

How can we spend just a moment, -better?

Why I speak about nourishment and creativity:

Jeanette Bronée is a Nourishment Expert who focuses on finding a new relationship with our own bodies, our food and our nourishment to guide us in harnessing the creativity and wisdom that we long for in our daily lives. She explores how we perform and thrive better in a busy world, where distraction and multi-tasking make us feel productive, yet keep us from being effective and creative. She provides insights to why mindfulness matters, and how we can use food as a tool to connect and align ourselves with our true wisdom—the one that lives within. In her daily work, Jeanette coaches and provides motivational business keynote speeches about why we need nourishment to perform better and she consults businesses on how to create a corporate culture of nourishment, where everyone thrives. She speaks about the challenges we face to change our habits, -and gives us the tools to do so. Her goal is to empower everyone to take charge of their daily well-being, performance and health by changing their relationship with food. Certified Integrative Nutrition & Meta-Medicine® Health Coach, Mind-Body Medicine Practitioner, Felt-Sense Focusing Teacher & Ericksonian Hypnotherapist. She is a serial entrepreneur, who is still in love with her ex-life of marketing and design, and brings a fresh perspective to what it means to do what you love.