Stop running yourself down

And start building yourself up.

Do you feel like you eat in a frenzy? You have cravings that just overcome all your best intentions? Or you have no clue how to even take care of  YOUR body? The very thing that is carrying you around every day can just be the most confusing, obnoxious, and frustrating relationship… ever? Well you are not alone, because most people have experienced that, me included. And most people live that way every day.

It is time for a change.

It is time to reclaim your relationship with your very own body. It is time to take charge of your health. If you feel you would love to do that, but don’t know how to even begin. This is for you. If you already feel that you are pretty good at eating, but … winter is almost over and you kinda wanna feel ready for spring, this is for you too. And if you feel that detoxing is for crazy people, this is for you too, because this is not crazy… it is simple steps that anyone can learn to make and you will, you really will, change how you eat after this, because my focus is on change, not just detoxing for 27 days.

Reclaim you!

Sometimes we need a kick-start to make change happen, a change that you can feel changes you, but also a change that is possible.

Now I don’t believe in fixing our bodies, I believe in supporting our bodies in doing what they already do naturally every day.

Detoxing AND… every year I personally do a detox to change from the winter season to the spring, sort of like a spring cleaning for your body. And I also believe, that it is more about detoxing our habits so that we can move forward afterwards rather than feeling stuck and confused (still) about how to take better care of ourselves.

A detox of your body and of your habits.

So… here is my new online detox program which is food based – you do have the option of adding supplements and shakes to make it even more impactful and to be honest… easy, but you can also do this by simply following the prompts and eat clean for 27 days.

I hope you will support your body to be there for you, better, as the spring approaches: The link to signup is in the notes of the video and can also be found at