Summer Nourishment

Seasonal eating and other food for thought.

Summer meals are different. Not only do we want to avoid cooking over a hot stove, but there are also a whole different variety of foods available to us. This allows us to prepare meals in a whole different way for amazing summer nourishment. Summer eating can be a bit challenging when it is hot because we can end up eating too lightly and just not enough to feel nourished. As my book EAT TO FEEL FULL is about; when we under-eat we end up feeling that something is missing and we end up over-snacking or feeling out of control later on in the evening, when we sit down for a meal. Many think of this as emotional eating, but it really starts with some imbalanced choices and habits.

Over the next weeks I will be posting more recipes with choices and options for summer foods and different cooking methods to make it easier to practice good and healthy summer-time eating to feel full and nourished. If you have not already checked out my summer-pasta you can start there.

Summer foods and easy living.

Consider for a moment what happens when you eat a salad in the middle of winter. There is a good chance that you don’t feel nourished and you end up munching on cookies after lunch. But in the summer a salad might be exactly what will nourish you, provided it is more than just lettuce. There is not one answer to how to eat right for you and there is not even one answer that will always fit you either. You might expect sun-shine and it ends up being rainy or you are in an overly air-conditioned office and a soup sound more exciting than a cold salad. That is just life as an eater. Learning how to navigate your choices is what will help you find food-freedom. That is what I call it when you feel empowered about making choices that work for you at a given moment!

Eat to feel nourished

You want to make sure you get your fiber and your fat for mastering your appetite, which adds substance to a salad. That could mean you have some roasted root veggies that you have cooked in advance and you add them to a green salad or marinated kale. Note to self; just because it is summer time does not mean you only eat green salads with cucumber and tomatoes!

In the heat of the summer it could also mean a smoothie that gives you some cooling and hydration from fruit but also the satisfying fiber from veggies. You can find some smoothies here on the blog and stay tuned for more in the weeks ahead.

The green season is here

As we move from winter to spring to summer the greens are appearing. The spring is the time for newness, upward and outward energy, and getting rid of the winter comfort of starchy foods. We want lightness and newness yes, that means follow nature and Go Green! It is the proportion that matters!

Greens are also an excellent source of calcium. They nourish the liver (and spring is liver time) and help you feel more vibrant by cleansing and balancing your intestinal tract, which is also essential to feeling vibrant. More about the digestive system in future posts too.

So how are you going to eat to feel full and nourished for the summer?

Stay tuned here, -or if you want to learn now you can also sign up for the online program. You will learn about the digestive-system, the good and bad bacteria among other good healthy information and you can find all the recipes (there are more than 200) and so much more to learn how to eat to feel full and nourished, leave dieting behind and stop emotional eating. To learn more about eating to feel full, master your appetite and your cravings, my new book EAT TO FEEL FULL and nourish yourself for good is also available here on the site or on Amazon, Kindle, and iBooks and you can find book-stores that carry the book on Indiebound, such as Tay Tea in Andes, Table on Ten in Bloomville, Scandinavian Grace in Shokan, Namaste Bookshop in NYC and BookPeople in Austin, TX.