Chickpea-Avocado Mousse-Tail

Making simple food exciting.

There are many ways to make a festive presentation out of simple ingredients and create a “food cocktail” that can be served as an appetizer or small dish, a snack or a starter for entertaining on a summer weekend. So often I hear that people try to stick to a diet, and when there is a summer celebration it falls apart. Well we need to celebrate and getting healthy is not about either / or – it is about finding the middle way where balance is the focus. And of course we need to celebrate. Food, life, friends, family …and ourselves is all such a special ingredient in our joy and learning how to integrate rather than resist, restrict and restrain is the optimal Path to health, because it is how we can master our choices rather than control them.

So have some weekend fun with good food and fun new ways of creating the yum.


Serves 4

for the chickpea mousse:

  • 1 1/2 cup of chickpeas – salt to taste. If you are using canned chickpeas, try the ones from Eden Foods because they are unsalted and in BPA free cans. Whichever you are using, rinse them if they are already salted.
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 small clove garlic, if you want a more smooth garlic taste oven-roast the garlic first.
  • 1/4 cup olive oil

for the avocado mousse:

  • 1 1/2 cup avocado (1 avocado)
  • salt and pepper to taste (pinches)
  • knife edge of cayenne
  • 1 teaspoon of lime juice, if using lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon

for the cucumber:

  • chopped cucumber. 1 cup cucumber with 1/2 cup mint leaves, pinch of salt


You can of course use store-bought hummus and garcamole for this, but it is easy to make it yourself.

Add the ingredients from each of the recipes separately in a blender at a time.  Make the hummus first and put it into the serving glasses, then continue with making the avocado mousse, and then finally the chopped cucumber.

Layer each recipe in glasses as shown and serve it chilled with a stalk of cucumber.

Additional or alternative serving suggestion would organic blue corn tortilla chips.

Take charge of your health.

Learn more about how to make healthy eating easy, not just because you will learn WHAT TO EAT AND WHY, but also because you will learn WHY YOU EAT WHAT. Our relationship with food is interconnected with all our habits, triggers, cravings and choices. Of course it is! Our food stories and memories are there with you with you when you choose what to eat. Getting healthy is not a matter of will-power it is a matter of love-power. Learn how to get in touch with what truly nourishes you. Join me in the online self nourishment program.